


Department of Indian Music

University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai – 600 005

The University of Madras is a Public State University established in the year 1857. It is one of the earliest Universities in India. It is the Mother University of almost all the Universities in the South of India. 

The Department of Indian Music,University of Madras, which was started on May 19th, 1932, celebrated its Platinum Jubilee during 2006-2007 and is into its 90th year from its date of inception. The Department has been rightly celebrated for various aspects such as its artistic, academic and research pursuits. The Department works in close collaboration with the other departments of the University.

To commemorate the 90th year of the Department, we are happy to launch Smṛti - A Bi-Annual open access Peer Reviewed E-Journal on Fine & Performing Arts.

The E-Journal is intended to provide a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge through genuine research in the field of Fine & Performing Arts.  


1. To nurture a platform of learned and erudite scholars motivated by the quest for academic research and creative writing.

2. To developing critical and cognitive faculties and interdisciplinary approach in academic and research areas.

3. To create and maintain the highest level of qualitative and quantitative research. 

4. To adopt a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism and ensuring originality of the submitted writing. 

5. To encourage creativity and innovation in research. 

6. The dissemination of high quality research articles using the open access model.

The open-access model helps spur research across the world. It is a forum which easily makes much-needed information available to all interested people and provides global exchange of knowledge.

Journal Details

Title:  Smṛti
Frequency: Bi-Annual 
ISSN:  2583-0309
Access Type: Open Access
Licensing: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International cc-logo.f0ab4ebe.svgcc-by.21b728bb.svgcc-nc.218f18fc.svgcc-nd.de89fdeb.svg
Publisher: School of Fine & Performing Arts
University of Madras, Chepauk
Editor(s):  Click Here
Copyright: School of Fine & Performing Arts
University of Madras, Chepauk
Starting Year: 2021
Subject: Multi Disciplinary  
Language(s):  English & Tamil
Publication Format:  Online
Contact Number:  +91 44 2539 9477
Email Id:  editor@smrtijournal.com
Website:  www.smrtijournal.com
Address:  The Department of Indian Music
School of Fine & Performing Arts
University of Madras, Chepauk
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India - 600 005