I am delighted to introduce The Department of Indian Music, University of Madras' Smṛti - A Peer Reviewed E-Journal on Fine & Performing Arts. Smṛti provides an opportunity to consider the core, associate and interdisciplinary areas of research in Fine and Performing Arts.
The objective of Smṛti is to publish up-to-date, high-quality and original research papers alongside relevant and insightful reviews. As such, the journal aspires to be vibrant, engaging and accessible, and at the same time integrative and challenging. All the papers, however, will be subject to the approval of the Editorial and the Peer Review Board.
Needless to say, any papers that you wish to submit, either individually or collaboratively, are much appreciated and will make a substantial contribution to the early development and success of the journal. Best wishes and thank you in advance for your contribution to Smṛti - A Peer Reviewed E-Journal on Fine & Performing Arts
Dr. Rajshri Ramakrishna
Chief Editor
Smṛti - A Peer Reviewed E-Journal on Fine & Performing Arts