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<p><span>The tradition of practising Indian Classical Music is listed as one of the practices of Yōga, naming it nāda yōga, believed to be the tool to reach the level of Supreme Consciousness through a process from body, mind and soul level. Metaphysics is a branch of Philosophy which explains about those aspects that are beyond mere physical existence. The metaphysical view of analysing the relationship between music, mind & soul is very scientific and needs an immediate understanding & application to experience it physically. The purpose of this study is to connect music with soul science and to showcase the importance of soul consciousness in this mundane world of chaos and unrest. The paper focuses on projecting the ideas on the metaphysical role played by the Indian Classical Music in balancing the human mind to reach the soul level. It also envisions how the practice of Meditation helps in increasing the quality of singing. The major idea of practically creating music from the soul level, by balancing the mind and physical existence, so as to reach the level of an Enlightened Musician is discussed. The objective of this study is its vast opening of results including drastic changes in energy levels, self healing, mental stability, increase in manifestation capabilities, social responsibility, oneness, supreme consciousness and many more. There are many methods to be followed and applied, only few of those methods which were being conducted as a part of this study are explained. </span></p>
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