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  • Abstract is exactly "The Bhakti cult provided a new perspective on realising the divine, teaching everyone that the only way to achieve spiritual oneness with God was by entire obedience to God. In Andhra Pradesh, the Bhaktās known as Bhāgavatulu founded the Bhāgavata meḷa nāṭakam and the Kuchipudi dance-drama tradition. Yakṣagānas are the names given to the texts of Kuchipudi plays. This Kuchipudi dance drama tradition included wide variety of music forms such as Ṣabdams, Darūs, Jatiswarams, Chūrnikās, Taraṇgams etc. The most salient feature of the musical tradition of Kuchipudi Yakṣagāna originates from the ancient Encyclopaedia of Dance the Nātyaṣāstra. The musical forms called Darūs or Daruvūs follow the pattern or method of Dhruva songs which are cited in Nātyaṣāstra. The analogous feature of Darūs with Dhruvās is the main enquiry of this paper presentation."